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Bruline Bikar-Lindquist opened Golden Pineapple in 2007 as a company that provided holistic products like herbal teas, organic supplies, social events and wine tasting. to the list of services.

She has a wide range of experiences including a degree in Hospitality and Hotel Management, Sales and Marketing as well as  Event Management.

She is has served with several civic organizations, participated as well as volunteers her time to aid in developing her community. She is a Creative and enjoys Gardening Adventures.

She has a deep appreciation for the great outdoors and a commitment to a life of quality and meaning. She is a native of the Caribbean and is living the American Dream realized.

Her vacationing destinations will always include the islands of St. Croix and St. Lucia, where she can reset, retreat and realign. She is an eco-travel enthusiast and enjoys participating in festivals and carnivals.


Most days you will find her sipping on herbal teas while tending to her garden. 

She satisfies the treasure hunter in herself my browsing local thrift shops and quaint stores around Florida.

She is highly dependable with a strong work ethic and offers V.I.P services that are innovative and professional. She is committed to being the best and doing her best.


Golden Pineapple is her brand, it was who she is , it is what she does.

Grow with her and let her share that with you.

Thanks for taking the time out to read a little about Bruline Bikar-Lindquist.

Bruline Bikar-Lindquist
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